12.12 Charity Fair (Loving People with MND)
A maiden fundraising event by the “Ambassador of MND Malaysia (Tan Shu Hua ~ OK i love U)”.

12.12 Charity Fair – Loving People with MND Charity Fair, is a Maiden fundraising event via FB-LIVE by the “Ambassador of MND Malaysia” (Tan Shu Hua @ OK i love U), and the first of its kind charity fair in Malaysia which is self-initiated by herself, who is a patient of Motor Neurone Disease (ALS/MND) to fundraise for MND Malaysia (Persatuan Penyakit Motor Neurone Malaysia) and to raise awareness of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-ALS (Motor Neurone Disease-MND). All proceeds from this charity fair will be donated to MND Malaysia to purchase for Non-Invasive Ventilator (NIV) to assist with MND patient to breath better.
Date: 12th-December’2020 (Saturday)
Time: afternoon 3:00pm
Channel: OK i love U FB LIVE
Event: Fund-Raising Event for MND Malaysia
Language: Mandarin
through Sales of DERMAVIDUALS Skin Care Products (Sponsored)
~ SET-A : Basic Care
Fund-Raising Price @ RM488.00 (Retail Price RM583)
Package includes: 3 items
Cleansing Gel 150ml x 1
Face Tonic 150ml x 1
DMS Base Cream Classic 50ml x 1
~ SET-B: Eye Care & Blemishes Care
Fund-Raising Price @ RM428.00 (Retail Price RM508)
Package includes: 2 items
Eye Gel Plus 30ml x 1
Plutio Derm Fluid 15ml x 1
ORDER-METHOD: (online bank transfer EXACT AMOUNT to)
Bank: MAYBANK (514-123-636-197)
Send “Payment Slip Screenshot” to OK i love U FB-Messenger, with the following details:
1) Your Name
2) Your shipping address
3) Your Mobile Phone Number
4) Your purchase (SET A or SET B)
Delivery Time: Please allow 7 working days for delivery
CLICK-HERE for the “OK i love U” Mandarin Posting of this fundraising event.
Thank You and Grateful to our Ambassador of MND Malaysia – Tan Shu Hua

AMBASSADOR of MND MALAYSIA (Tan Shu Hua ~ OK i love U)
Facebook: OK i love U
Instagram: OKiloveu520
Youtube: OK i love U
(Malaysia’s Motor Neurone Disease Platform)
Facebook: MND Malaysia
Instagram: mnd.malaysia
Youtube: Motor Neurone Disease Malaysia – MND Malaysia