MOU Signing Ceremony between Alpro Pharmacy & MND Malaysia

20 March 2024 marks a new milestone for MND Malaysia.
With the signing of a MoU between MND Malaysia & Alpro Pharmacy Sdn Bhd, MND Malaysia is enhancing patient care for the MND community. Leveraging on Alpro Pharmacy resources & network of 300+ outlets nationwide, MND community can have access to better home-based healthcare, physiotherapist, tele-consultation, sponsorship for patients’ welfare and more.
This event was attended by 200 company’s employees filling the auditorium to the brink. The event started with the employees jointly chanting their company’s pledge which was heartwarming to see.
The opening speech by Kelly Gan, Project Manager was pleasantly surprised linking the US SEALS to MND Warriors.

Benny Ng, Chairman MND Malaysia shared with the audience the support & services provided to the MND community. With this MoU collaboration with Alpro Pharmacy, it will enhance the patient care with more home-based resources and tele-consultation platform and many more.

The next Speaker was MND Ambassador, Shu Hua who shared her life journey following her diagnosis in 2014. Sharing her challenges emotionally, physically & psychologically she is blessed and happy she is supported by her husband, Sam, her 2 children, family members & also MND Malaysia.
She takes one day at a time, counting her blessings she is still able to share with her family. She also started her Facebook page “OK I love U” where many followers gave her encouragement to carry on fighting. In return she also encouraged some fans to overcome their difficulties & challenges in their daily lives.

Ms Lim En Ni, Chief Pharmacist shared an interesting talk about “The Can Opener was invented 48 years later after the invention of a tin can container’. She indicated today’s signing of the MoU is a first step and we cannot foresee yet what lies ahead of us from this collaboration. However, she believes it will lead to a big help to the MND community in years to come!

An event to engage the employees was a “ICE BUCKET 2.0 CHALLENGE”. 5 participants volunteered to join in this fun. They first write down the word “REASSURANCE” on a piece of paper. Instead of splashing iced water over our heads, 5 participants dipped their hand into the bucket of ice water for 30 seconds. When it’s time, they then write the same word again on the same piece of paper. The person with the writing closest to the 1st writing wins the challenge!

This was followed by the demonstration of using the eye tracker which helps a totally physically disabled person to type words using the eyes as a ‘cursor’ Hoay Hoay from MND Malaysia helped to guide a volunteer and within a couple of minutes he was able to type the word “REASSURANCE”

The signing ceremony was signed by Kelly Gan, representing Alpro Pharmacy & Benny Ng representing MND Malaysia. Witnessed by representatives from both teams.

This was followed by an exchange of gifts to Mr Low, CEO of Alpro Pharmacy & Benny Ng of MND Malaysia.

We thank all parties that worked hard to make this collaboration a success.